3 min read | This article is for *Administrators and Agents*
Getting There: Your listings on BrokerBay and on MLS
Looking to gain a more detailed insight into how BrokerBay receives your brokerage’s listing data and information on BrokerBay booking links?
The following article adds more context to how BrokerBay syncs with the MLS feeds.
- How Do MLS Listings Pull Into BrokerBay?
- Which Listing Fields Sync Continuously from MLS?
- How Are MLS Booking Links Set Up?
How Do MLS Listings Pull Into BrokerBay?
BrokerBay relies on MLS data feeds to sync MLS Listings with the BrokerBay platform.
On MLS - your brokerage listings are assigned to an agent. Each agent has an Agent ID (a.k.a. Member ID). Each Agent ID is assigned to a Brokerage Office ID. These details are typically accessible via agents' member profiles on the MLS level. Listings will be pulled into the BrokerBay brokerage platform where the listings' assigned Office ID resides.
Things to look out for:
- Each MLS has its own listing feed data they’ve chosen to share with BrokerBay, meaning if not seeing a type of listing pull into BrokerBay - the listing type/status may be one that the MLS has not provided BrokerBay access to.
- Not seeing a listing promptly pull into your BrokerBay brokerage platform after making it live on MLS? Give it 10-15 minutes - the listing may be enqueued in syncing to the BrokerBay platform.
- Feel free to also make an edit to your MLS listing. This will update the last-modified-timestamp to trigger a new update request syncing with BrokerBay.
- Your MLS may have its own distribution settings that are required on the listing/office level before having listings shared with other platforms like BrokerBay.
Examples:- Distribute to Internet Portals? and Display Address on Internet? on the MLS listing - YES needs to be selected
- Is your MLS listing Office Exclusive? These listings are not pulled into BrokerBay
- Syndicate listings is a setting that your MLS may require both on the brokerage office level and on the agent level
If your listing has not synced to the BrokerBay platform beyond the expected time, feel free to Submit a Request.
*Read more on details specific to the Canadian marketplace
Which Listing Fields Sync Continuously from MLS?
You can expect most listing fields to continue automatically syncing with BrokerBay after the listing has pulled through to your platform, including status and price changes.
Listing Agent fields are synced and overrided to reflect the MLS feeds.
Listing Photos are also continuously synced based on new photo update timestamp updates BrokerBay receives based on the changes made on the MLS listing.
How Are MLS Booking Links Setup?
Each MLS/board has their own method of activating BrokerBay booking links. If missing booking links, connect with your MLS/board for further assistance or reach out to our support team.
Things to look out for:
- For those whose MLS provides members with the BrokerBay Brokerage Plan, confirm with your Broker of Record/Managing Broker that they’ve completed the steps to launch the office with BrokerBay. Once launched, brokerage agents can expect to have BrokerBay booking links embedded in their MLS Listings.
- For those whose MLS provides members with the BrokerBay Agent Plan, confirm that you have correctly enabled BrokerBay through your MLS data system. If unsure, feel free to contact your MLS/board to clarify.
- If your brokerage or agent’s account is live, but the listing does not have BrokerBay booking links, note that certain MLSs have a Showing Service field - make sure it has been set to BrokerBay.
- If previously used a different showing service - disabling them is an important step both on the agent and office level to prevent multiple booking link issues.
Example: ShowingTime - log in and navigate to Office Setup → Showing Agent Requests → set toggle to NO.
For help configuring ShowingTime settings, please reach out to their support team directly.
*How Do MLS Listings Pull Into BrokerBay?
Expanding on details specific to the Canadian marketplace
Specific to the Canadian marketplace, we use RETS feeds to access MLS data. Depending on which board(s) you want to sync with, your office will need to opt-in to using BrokerBay within each MLS System it would like to use our software for.
Once the correct authorization has been set up, one of our support specialists will be able to add your brokerage office to our backend in order to start syncing listings.
Once the feed connection is established, listings loaded to MLS will pull through to BrokerBay automatically within 15 minutes.
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