BrokerBay Web v. 3.23
- There is now a Support Menu button
visible within your interface. Here, you can register for trainings, access the Help Center, and contact our support team directly!
- When selecting SentriLock as your Access Type within the showing configuration screen, standard text will automatically be populated. This is editable and aims to assist internal brokerage operations.
- Listing Terminology has been updated in various places. For example, "Buyer Agreement" is now "Buyer Representation Agreement," and "Agreement of Purchase & Sale" is now "Purchase Agreement."
- Any logos formerly displaying broken image icons on the login screen have now been corrected and will display accordingly.
- Coming Soon listing logic has been updated: they will no longer show up through the Universal Search Bar, and appointments will no longer remain stuck in your queue past the MLS commencement date.
BrokerBay Mobile v1.13.4
New:- Regular maintenance and upkeep of current system.
- No updates.
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