2 min read | This article is for *Administrators*
Getting There: Admin tab → Manage Users tool → Teams → + Add Team
Adding agents to a team allows them to easily view listings, appointments, and messages within their team. It also makes it easy for administrators to message all agents within a team.
Below covers how to create a team, add an agent or admin to a team, and create accounts for Team Administrators or Agent Assistants.
- How to Create a New Team
- Adding Team Members
- Creating Accounts for Team Administrators / Agent Assistants
- Access the Manage Users tool from your Admin toolbox
- From the Manage Users page’s Teams tab, click + Add Team
- Add the Team Name
- Add Team members using the Users search and Save
Users that have been added to a Team will now have both a Teams panel in their agent dashboard and a My Team tab on the left-hand side navigation menu. The My Team tab displays team-wide listings and appointments.
Admins can add users to teams via the user’s profile or the Edit Team module.
Method 1: Edit Team
- Access the Manage Users tool from your Admin toolbox.
- From the Manage Users page’s Teams tab, locate the team.
- Click the ellipses ‘…’ to access the Edit Team option.
- Add new team members using the Edit Team’s Users search and Save.
Method 2: Profile Settings
- Access the Manage Users tool from your Admin toolbox.
- From the Users tab, search and enter the user’s Profile.
- Assign them to their team via the Team dropdown and Save.
Creating Accounts for Team Administrators / Agent Assistants
- Access the Manage Users tool from your Admin toolbox.
- Click + Add User and enter details.
- Select Team Admin from the Role dropdown options.
- Assign them to their respective team via the Team dropdown options and Save.
Note: If you are looking to create an account for an agent's assistant, add the assistant to the platform as a Team Administrator, then create a team containing only that agent & their assistant.
What does a Team Admin see?
Team Admins have access to the My Teams tab and an Admin Queue where any team-related listings and appointments can be actioned.
- Licensed Team Admins will also have a Me vs. Team dashboard able to manage both their own listings in their personal Agent Dashboard and also switch to view the Team Dashboard where team appointments and listings can be further managed.
- Unlicensed Team Admins will have a Team Dashboard where they can view and manage team appointments and listings.
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