🇨🇦 This article applies to the Canadian market only!
4 min read | This article is for *Administrators*
Getting there:
- Admin tab → Create Listing
Exclusive listings allow for properties to be marketed selectively before broader exposure on MLS. Coming Soon listings represent a specialized category of Exclusive listings within BrokerBay.
These listings enable real estate professionals to present forthcoming MLS properties to their brokerage colleagues in advance of the official broker-loading process on the board.
Both Agents and Administrators have the ability to create Exclusive and Coming Soon listings.
- Creating an Exclusive or Coming Soon Listing
- Listing visibility and drafts
- Creating listings as an agent
Creating an Exclusive or Coming Soon Listing
- From the left sidebar, select Admin.
- Select the Create Listing tool.
- Add any paperwork and select the relevant category for each file from the dropdown menu.
- Administrators are not required to submit paperwork.
- Agents must provide the necessary documentation in order to proceed with the creation process.
- Enter all required listing details marked with an asterisk (*). You can also attach photos and add additional property information at this stage if desired.
- If creating a Coming Soon listing: under Status, select Coming Soon and determine a Coming Soon Date.
- If you wish to save your progress and continue later, select Save Draft. The draft will be accessible in the Draft Listings page.
- Once you have filled out the listing's information, select Next.
- In the Publish Details section, select My Brokerage under Where should this listing be shared?.
- Select Done.
If you are continuing from a previously saved draft:
- Select Admin from the left sidebar.
- Select Draft Listings.
- Select the draft you would like to work on.
Upon reaching the Coming Soon date, the Coming Soon listing will transition to an inactive state and will no longer be visible in your brokerage view. At this point, editing capabilities and appointment bookings will be disabled for the Coming Soon listing.
Therefore, to ensure a seamless transition, please align the Coming Soon date with the scheduled MLS listing availability date.
After the MLS listing is integrated into BrokerBay, your Coming Soon listing will be automatically moved to the Duplicates tab within the Admin Queue. From here, you can merge or combine the Coming Soon listing with the MLS one. This facilitates the transfer of showing instructions, appointments, feedback, and offers.
In the event that the listing does not appear in the Duplicates tab, you have the option to manually merge the listings using the Merge / Combine Listings tool. For comprehensive information on this functionality, please see Merging and combining listings.
When an Exclusive or Coming Soon Listing is created:
- The listing immediately appears on the Listing Agent's Dashboard tab, and a notification is sent to inform them of the listing's activation.
- The listing becomes visible under the Brokerage tab, making it accessible to other agents and administrators within the same brokerage office.
- Please note that if the listing is in draft mode, it will not appear in the Brokerage tab until further action is taken.
Draft status
If Publish to My Brokerage is not selected, the listing remains in draft status within the Draft Listings page. Draft listings are accessible exclusively to the Listing Agent and Administrators.
Brokerage tab
The Brokerage tab displays all listings published to your brokerage. This tab is visible to all fellow Administrators and Agents within the same brokerage office. Draft listings are not included in this tab.
Agents can upload listings on their own. Please see the Agent-oriented Creating Listings in BrokerBay - Exclusive and Coming Soon Listings page.
Creating Exclusive or Coming Soon listings as an Agent involves specific procedural requirements. Prior to listing creation, Agents must submit paperwork for administrative review.
To process an Exclusive or Coming Soon listing submitted by an Agent:
- Navigate to the Admin Queue.
- Select Paperwork.
- Select Verify Listing Documents.
- After reviewing the listing documents, select Reject or Accept as appropriate.
- If you reject the paperwork, the Agent will receive a notification detailing the reasons for the rejection, allowing them to address any inaccuracies or missing information in their documentation.
- If you accept the paperwork, the Agent will be able to share the listing within the brokerage.
For more information on verifying paperwork, please see the Verifying Exclusive Listing Paperwork page.
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